
Few industries have such a broad need for solid expertise in electricity, energy and safety as agriculture. The combination of many buildings, secluded locations and many different activities, often in harsh environments, places special demands - demands that we at Provektor are used to meeting.

We may not need to say much about basic electrical installations - building switchboards, installing wiring and networks, dimensioning power requirements and so on. Areas of growing importance are various forms of automation and remote control, from heating and ventilation to transportation and access systems, and security. More and more farmers are affected by sabotage and theft - events that can be counteracted by sophisticated monitoring and alarm systems. 

With in-house design, construction and programming resources, we work with you to create easy-to-manage, integrated systems. 

Much of the farm's electricity needs - including the charging of electric vehicles - can be met by self-generated solar electricity, especially if the system is complemented by battery storage and phase balancing, which reduces dependence on the grid while lowering both fixed and variable costs. In the unlikely event that roof space is insufficient for a sufficient number of solar panels, ground-based panels on unused land are a good alternative. 

Of course, we solve everything related to your home's electrical installations too!


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