Integrated installations
The concept of electrical installation today involves so much more than cabling, switchboards, switches and sockets. In many of our assignments, electrical, telecommunications and data installations are integrated with the construction of equipment for automated production in the same facility - often combined with alarm, monitoring and passage systems. Increasingly, energy efficiency measures such as control systems, solar panels and battery storage are also becoming natural elements.
Complete supplier
Our ability to coordinate and execute all these types of assignments, with all the key competencies (such as design, robot programming and apparatus building) within the company, brings great benefits to you. You only need a single supplier to take overall responsibility for your plant, which is built up in an integrated and consistent way from quality components. Our size also means that you can be sure to get the very latest technology for optimal functionality. Industrial automation and advanced monitoring and control are part of our everyday life.
But we don't just build large facilities all the time. You are of course welcome to contact us at Provektor even with small service assignments. No job is too small or too big!
Curious about Provektor? Get in touch and we'll tell you more!