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Gasum biogas plant in Götene

Just outside Götene, Gasum's large biogas plant is "growing". Danish company Lundsby Renewable Solutions is designing and delivering the plant, from construction process to finished biogas. Provektor is a proud subcontractor to Lundsby.

We follow step by step...

20 A U G U S T I 2 0 2 4

Welcome back - here we go!

The summer is coming to an end and soon it will be full strength again at the biogas plant in Götene. Today we have 14 fitters on site. We caught some of the team on their way to a much-needed break. We are now approaching the final stage of many parts with commissioning and it requires commitment and accuracy for the work to flow as planned.

During this afternoon there is also a "start-up meeting" and review before the installation of access systems and burglar alarms throughout the biogas plant.

25 J U N I 2 0 2 4

Sunny, warm and busy!

Vacation time is approaching and planning is more important than ever. At Gasum's biogas plant, work is ongoing throughout the summer. Something calmer, promises Andreas "Ragge" Hasslekvist, supervisor Provektor. - The guys are supposed to be on vacation!

But at the moment, things are moving along nicely with, among other things, the connection of central units, commissioning of vehicle scales and installation of digester 1 (of three).

In parallel with this, Ragge and Rikard are powering up the equipment cabinets for self-checks and function tests. The administration building is ready for occupation and the last thing to be done there is the alarm that must be in place. Daniel will take care of that.

7 M A Y 2 0 2 4

The grills were hot!

A lot of work and a lot of activity at the biogas plant in Götene. Then everyone needs a little extra appreciation. We loaded Provector's grills and headed to Götene. A hearty sausage buffet with accessories was served to about 60 colleagues and employees on site. A happy, tasty and fun lunch!

28 M A R S 2 0 2 4

The control cabinets are in place in Götene and work is progressing.

Full up! 14 people on site in Götene - electricians and lead installers. A large project requires many resources and orderliness. We have "old men" on site from Skara, Lidköping, Falköping and Töreboda. We work both outside and inside, the possibility of adaptation is nice when the weather changes. The work of canalization and installation of process objects is in full swing.

The control cabinets are now ready and have been moved from the workshop in Skara to the premises at the biogas plant. Jonathan and Emil are working on connecting the control cabinets underground. While Erik and Johan are laying stone flour in the cable trench to protect it before the excavators do the heavy work.

22 F E B R U A R I 2 0 2 4

Cabinet construction in our workshop and full speed ahead on site in Götene.

The work on site in Götene has really taken off. The tar has come off and there are now 14 of us on site - electricians, lead fitters. Now it is not only in Götene that we are working on the Biogas plant project. "At home", in our workshop in Skara, things are also busy. The first of two control cabinets of 9.2 meters has now started to be built. It takes up space and requires planning! But challenges are something that our team here likes and masters. Teamwork is at its peak and the atmosphere is great.

The first cabinet will be ready in mid-March. Then it's time to move on to the next...

18 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 4

The tar is getting in the way!

Biting cold and deep tar bring work to a halt. Of course it can get cold, but this winter is something very special. Rickard works on as there is now some work to be done under the roof.

17 O K T O B E R 2 0 2 3

Working from a bird's eye view

Rikard and Ragge prepare for canalization to process objects placed high on the tanks. Beautiful days in October when you can see from this height how the plant takes place and rises bit by bit.

9 O K T O B E R 2 0 2 3

Visit to the biogas plant in Götene

It was sunny when Elisabeht Nordberg, CEO Provektor, took Patrik Hanhe, COO Soltech Energy, to the future biogas plant in Götene. Put on rubber boots and a helmet and then get a tour from Ragge, Jonas and Oscar.

11 A U G U S T I 2 0 2 3

Ragge and Rikard do the groundwork

Things are now in full swing in Götene. You can clearly see that the land has been transformed from forest and farmland to a construction site. Gasum's biogas plant is emerging.

For Provektor , it is still in the early stages. Since August, "Ragge" and Rikard have been on site every day. They fix the groundwork, lay soil pipes in all the process buildings to be erected and make plans for the next step.

When the buildings are completed, it's time for the next milestone, and that's when a group of co-workers is added. The electrical work with ducting and cabling will gradually increase as more of the buildings are erected and cabling begins to be laid between the objects.

20 J U L Y 2 0 2 3

The team at Provektor who worked on the project - Erik Andersson, Business Area Manager Automation - Albin Johansson, Project Manager/Branch Manager Skara - Elisabeth Nordberg, CEO - Andreas Werner, Project Manager.

Major order of more than 20 million to Provektor ...

... as the Biogas plant in Götene starts to take shape!

Just outside Götene, Gasum's large biogas plant is "growing" step by step. Götene received the final building permit in January and now it is full speed ahead. Provektor will be spending a lot of time there in the future.

Danish company Lundsby Renewable Solutions is designing and delivering the plant, from construction process to finished biogas. Provektor is a proud subcontractor to Lundsby.

Already in June the project starts for Provektor. On average, there will be 8 electricians on site in Götene and more than that during busy times. In the summer of 2024, the plant will be completed and another year later it will be commissioned.

Erik Andersson, Head of Automation, is equally satisfied: "At the bottom is a genuine feasibility study where we, among other things, have been on site at Lundsby in Denmark to take part in the construction process and get to know the customer. We have also taken the opportunity to visit Lundsby's completed biogas plants. Representatives from Lundsby have also been with us and visited plants that we have built for other customers.

Asearly as this June, the project starts for Provektor. On average, there will be 8 electricians on site in Götene and more than that during busy times. In the summer of 2024, the plant will be completed and another year later it will be commissioned.

- We are proud and incredibly happy to have received this confidence. A major order for us and a security for the fall, says a satisfied Elisabeth Nordberg, CEO Provektor.

Biogas is a completely renewable and climate-friendly fuel. The plant in Götene will mainly use manure from the agricultural sector in the local area as raw material. The plant will produce 120 gigawatt hours (GWh) of liquid biogas (LBG) per year from 2025 onwards.

Curious about Provektor? Get in touch and we'll tell you more!