Solar cells

You can rest assured that at Provektor we have the latest technology, the right permissions and all the skills to build an optimized and reliable facility, whether it is a small townhouse or a large industrial plant.

Not so long ago, when variable electricity prices rarely rose above the 50 euro mark, it was not easy to recoup an investment in your own solar energy. Today, the situation is very different, with rapidly increasing demand for electricity for the green transition of the transport sector and energy-intensive industry, and an expansion of reliable dispatchable power that will lag significantly for many years to come. At the same time, photovoltaic technology has made great strides, so suddenly owning your own solar panels is in most cases a really good investment, especially when we add in the deductions for installing green technologies and with mature battery storage and phase balancing solutions that increase independence and further reduce costs.

Roof panels - Façade panels - Ground panels - Battery storage - Phase balancing - Charging