Solar energy for BRF Falkagården
Lidköping 2023
Falkagården is a housing association in Vinninga just outside Lidköping. The area consists of 10 semi-detached houses. In 2023, the housing association decided to invest in solar cells on all semi-detached houses in the association.
As the houses do not look exactly the same, and are located in different directions, we have adapted the panels to both the best sun time and the design of the houses.
Facts about Falkagården
Power: 249.3 kWp (distributed to 20 households)
Estimated production: approx. 10,000-12,000 kWh/year per household
Weather range: South, East and West
Number of panels: 554
Panel model: Denim U - Mono 450 All Black Half Cut
Inverter: Huawei and Sungrow
Mounting system: Van der valk
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